Forget Harry or William. Those Nazi-lovin’ nancies can go play polo. When we’re talking princes, only two matter: Prince Rogers Nelson the musician and Prince Semien Fiedler the home run machine. But can you guess which Prince fits which description?
Claim to fame: Successful pop albums; towering home runs
Team: the Brewers; The Revolution
Made it big when he: released 1999; was born (weighed 50 pounds as a one-year-old)
You never thought you’d see him: hit an inside-the-park homer; marry a woman
As a child, known for: being Big Daddy’s estranged son, hitting bombs out of Tiger Stadium by age 12; being strange, not growing after age 12
Biggest hit: Purple Rain; walk-off homer against Pirates as a rookie
Biggest flop: Super Bowl XL; belly
Weaknesses: crushed velvet, pirate shirts; curveballs, brats
Shops in: Big and Tall store; women’s department
His daddy was: a jazz pianist; a three-time all-star and degenerate gambler
At a party, he’s: performing for horny cougars and gay men; seeing how many Pringles he can fit in his mouth at once
Pants are: really tight; really tight
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